"Dadoo, stylish accessories for colorful walks"🌈💖
So no… the story of Dadoo is not worthy of a Hollywood film. It was just born from a crazy desire to undertake and boundless creativity, and Kiara, a 5-year-old English Cocker Spaniel, co-founder I would even say, joins in all of that! a status like that is not granted to all dogs! 🐶
I'm Léa, Founder of Dadoo and behind this second degree, my objective is to offer you accessories made with the greatest attention, worked down to the smallest detail, handmade, in France. Values which for me are essential.
What about our accessories? ✨
They are great ? everyone knows that
Are they practical? yes, but still... they are leashes and collars after all...
Little anecdote : a Friday evening at midnight... here I am cleaning Kiara's necklace. (Why does she wash her necklace at midnight too?) between stains that won't come off and a vile smell... she rolled in the 💩
But don't make fun! I know I'm not the only one!
So our accessories are:
🧼 Easy to maintain and do not absorb odors.
No need to tell you more, given the anecdote I shared with you...
⛓️ Resistant and Durable.
And yes... Kiara is a scoundrel who often pulls on the leash, I won't hide it from you, that's why a material like Biothane® was a good choice. Resistant, super solid, the colors will not degrade over time or in the sun ☀️ We like the sun... but not when our accessories deteriorate.
💦 Waterproof, for water fans.
A swim in the sea or in the lake? No more worries about wet accessories that take hours to dry.
You will have understood that our collection full of colors will seduce you and make all your friends in the neighborhood jealous 🐕
Léa, Founder and Kiara, Co-founder of Dadoo

Nous c'est Léa & Kiara 🐶
Dadoo est née d'une folle envie d'entreprendre et de l'amour des chiens, mais surtout pour Kiara, Cocker Anglais de 6 ans.
Avec ma créativité débordante, j'ai voulu offrir le meilleur à ma p'tite crapule.

Coloré en toute simplicité 🌈
À chaque problème sa solution !
J'avais envie de changement et surtout ! trouver des accessoires différents et originaux.
Entre mauvaises odeurs, lavage et séchage qui durent des heures... je voulais trouver THE accessoire qui répond à mes besoins de Dog mom. Alors, après quelques recherches, je suis tombée sur le Biothane®.
-⛓️Résistant & Durable
-💩Ne s'imprègne pas des odeurs
-🧼Simple d'entretien
j'avais trouvé ce qu'il me fallait !
Aujourd'hui, je propose des accessoires de balades aux couleurs originales pour faire ressortir le style pétillant de chacun !
Qui a dit que les couleurs flashies étaient à bannir ??